Scientist: “Sexual cannibalism may provide an evolutionary advantage, because a better-fed female is more likely to produce healthy descendants”

6143327327_45884f9a78_zYou want to talk “moral relativism”? The female dark fishing spider mutilates her mate's genitalia and then eats him after mating–and Homo sapiens scientists see the evolutionary sun shining! Oh, how lovely for the female, and the species, that she is so well-fed! 

But how does the male feel about this?  As he is being sundered do you think he’s glowing at the idea that he is giving himself up for the greater good?  Or is he feeling, “AHHH! STOP! THE PAIN! YOU’RE KILLING ME!”

Homo sapiens females who kill their mates are labeled ‘black widows’, and called to answer for their crimes.  But here is where Homo sapiens has made another of its bizarre adaptations. Some females psychologically mutilate their mate’s genitalia and then financially devour him. This is deemed acceptable, even laudable. Why? Where is the “evolutionary advantage”? 

The pretender:


The real McCoy:


One thought on “Scientist: “Sexual cannibalism may provide an evolutionary advantage, because a better-fed female is more likely to produce healthy descendants”

  1. "Males who don’t follow proper foreplay protocol—about 1.5 hours of abdomen jiggling and light caresses—will also be eaten." — We humans have much to learn from these spiders.  😉

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